DSE installed all inground electrical & communication pit & pipe at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. This included 14 HV concrete pits; 11 precast & 3 built in-situ for Energex. We continuously had 3-4 civil crews working concurrently for almost two years in order to meet the projects milestones. DSE were also awarded side contracts on the project during the projects lifetime. This included the construction of a new set of traffic signals at Frazer Lane & Eccles Boulevard and intersection upgrades at Bragg & Eccles and Florey & Eccles to fit with the new hospital design.
DSE went on to be awarded the Electrical package working directly for LendLease and performed all electrical works within the new hospital including internal switchboards, Rate 2 & Rate 3 Streetlighting,
Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Birtinya
Lendlease, Shadforths Civil Contractors
Commenced February 2014 - 2017
Client References:
Lendlease, Shadforths Civil Contractors
Project Highlights:
Underground civil construction for electrical and telecommunications
Traffic Signals at various intersections
Flag Poles
Speciality Path Lighting
Covered walkway lighting
Data and communications Switchboards
Contact Us and let's develop a plan on your next project.